Titanium Memorial Rings

Carry a loved on with you always with our stunning range or Memorial Titanium rings. Custom made for you in the UK, allow us to create a perfect keepsake for you and your loved ones. UK Titanium Memorial Rings with Ashes Chamber

Once an order for a memorial ashes ring has been placed we will automatically send you three ring testers within a few days in the same width as ordered, one slightly smaller and one larger. This way you can be sure of the perfect fit. We will also send to you a small container for you to send a small quantity of your loved ones ashes to our UK manufacturer, if too much is sent this will respectfully be returned to you with your ring. We will then manufacture your titanium memorial ring including these precious ashes. Please note that the inside portion of the memorial rings that contain the ashes are permanently fixed inside with the ashes and cannot be viewed or removed once constructed, as shown in the secondary images. 


  • £315.00
  • £395.00
  • £315.00
  • £375.00
  • £315.00
  • £340.00
  • £315.00